Land Of Dragons Treasure

Kh2.5 land of dragons treasures

Land Of Dragons Treasure Locations


The Land of Dragons is a world that appears in Kingdom Hearts II. It is based on the Disney film Mulan. The world is in fact located in old China, mentioned by several of the world-specific characters, notably Mulan and The Emperor. The Land of Dragons. The Land of Dragons is a world that appears in Kingdom Hearts II. It is based on the Disney film Mulan. The world is in fact located in old China, mentioned by several of the world-specific characters, notably Mulan and The Emperor.

Soon it is Geatland’s turn to face terror. A great dragonlurks beneath the earth, jealously guarding its treasure, untilone day a thief manages to infiltrate the barrow, or mound, wherethe treasure lies. The thief steals a gem-covered goblet, arousingthe wrath of the dragon. The intruder, a slave on the run from ahard-handed master, intends no harm by his theft and flees in apanic with the goblet.

The poet relates that many centuries earlier, the lastsurvivor of an ancient race buried the treasure in the barrow whenhe realized that the treasure would be of no use to himbecause he, like his ancestors, was destined to die. He carefullyburied the precious objects, lamenting all the while his lonelystate. The defeat of his people had left the treasures to deteriorate.The dragon chanced upon the hoard and has been guarding it for thepast three hundred years.

Land of dragons treasure list

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Waking up to find the goblet stolen, the dragonbursts forth from the barrow to hunt the thief, scorching the earthas it travels. Not finding the offender, the dragon goes on a rampage,breathing fire and incinerating homes and villages. It begins toemerge nightly from its barrow to torment the countryside, stillseething with rage at the theft.

Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Land Of Dragons Treasure

Soon, Beowulf’s own throne-hall becomes the target ofthe dragon’s fiery breath, and it is burned to the ground. Now anold king, Beowulf grieves and wonders what he might have done to deservesuch punishment from God. He begins to plot his revenge. He commissionsa mighty shield from the iron-smith, one that he hopes will standup against the breath of flame. He is too proud to assemble a hugearmy for the fight, and, remembering how he defeated Grendel single-handedlyin his youth, feels no fear of the dragon.

The poet recounts the death of King Hygelac in combatin Friesland. Hygelac fell while Beowulf survived thanks to hisgreat strength and swimming ability. Upon returning home, Beowulfwas offered the throne by the widowed Hygd, who knew that her own sonwas too young and inexperienced to be an effective ruler. Beowulfdeclined, however, not wanting to disturb the order of succession.Instead, he acted as protector and guardian to the prince and supportedhis rule. Only when Hygelac’s son met his end in a skirmish againstthe Swedes did Beowulf ascend the throne. Under Beowulf’s reign,the feuding with Sweden eventually ceased when Beowulf avenged Hygelac’sdeath.

Now, ready to face one last adversary, Beowulf gatherseleven men to investigate the area. They discover the thief whostole the dragon’s goblet and press him to take them to the barrow.They wish each other luck in the fight that will follow, and Beowulfhas a premonition of his own death. On the cliff outside the barrow,Beowulf speaks to his men, recounting his youth as a ward in KingHrethel’s court. He tells of the accidental killing of one of Hrethel’ssons by another and attempts to characterize the king’s great grief.He describes the wars between the Geats and the Swedes after Hrethel’s death,recalling his proud days as a warrior in the service of Hygelac.He then makes his final boast: he vows to fight the dragon, if onlyit will abandon its barrow and face him on open ground.