Advertisement Of Gambling Should Be Banned

May 05, 2017  The communications minister, senator Mitch Fifield, said the new restriction would ban gambling ads from five minutes before the commencement of play until five minutes after the conclusion of play or 8.30pm, whichever came sooner.

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Oral Presentation to Ban Gambling Advertising During Sporting Events Essay Sample

First of all, I want everyone to imagine a young kid, maybe 10 or 11. He is sitting at home watching his favourite footy team play on the TV. Before the game he sees the commentators throw over to TAB Sportsbet’s “Gary Davies” who tells him that Chris Judd is the favourite at $2.50 for the Brownlow and Collingwood is the favourite for the Premiership at $3.80. Although he doesn’t quite understand what these amounts of money mean he is still intrigued into what “Gary Davies” is saying. During that one match he sees countless ads for Centre Bet, Sports Bet, Sporting Bet and heaps of other betting agencies. He also sees several signs and posters with those companies logos on them in the ground, and even his own team has a logo on their jumper. After watching this game he is slowly but surely getting used to the idea of betting on sport. And this was just after one game, to one kid. Just think of the affect that this will have on our future society if 100’s of thousands of kids are watching these same ads through their entire child hood. So you have to ask why are we continuing to show these ads?

A recent study by the School of Psychology and McGill University showed that 10 – 15% of young people today are at risk of developing gambling problems in their adulthood. Psychiatrist Dr Maria Tomasic of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists states that problem gambling is often linked with psychological problems such as anxiety and depression, which can lead to crime, bankruptcy and even suicide. That’s not even beginning to mention the problems with gambling itself like addiction and financial issues.

So you have to ask why we are letting the next generation of kids be subjected to this when the consequences are clear? You only need to look at people like Brendan Fevola or Heath Shaw to see how gambling has affected not only their sporting careers but their lives in general. You know with Brendan Fevola, he revealed on his interview on The Footy Show that he was going to the races all the time and gambling on the horses, loosing huge amounts of money which not only ruined his career but also his relationship with his wife and his young daughter. And I’m sure most of you are aware what happened to Heath Shaw, he was suspended for 8 weeks for having one bet on an AFL game. So do we want every young sporting star to end up like those two who can’t even walk into a TAB without having a punt.

The AFL recently signed a 1.25 billion dollar broadcast rights deal, which will see more money in the game than ever before. In order to keep this money coming in the game must remain the great sport that it is now. People like Fevola and Shaw are ruining the integrity of the AFL all because of their problem gambling and the number of people doing this is sure to increase due to the amount of advertising that is around. At the moment, people are enjoying the game for what it is, a great spectacle and an enjoyable contest, but because the gambling cat has been let out of the bag, the integrity of our great game is at risk in the near future.

So the answer is blatantly obvious , get rid of gambling advertising and never have to deal any with these problems ever again.

You may have heard that ex Hawthorn President Jeff Kennet has also recently called for a ban on this sort of advertising. In an interview done for the Herald Sun newspaper he said “The worst thing is the intrusion of sports betting operators, where they have the odds now pushed in your face at the ground, on the TV and on the radio, it is just shocking, because it doesn’t discriminate between young people and old. Young children are getting it at five, six and seven.” He also claimed that the Government could stop advertising overnight and apply the same rules they do to poker machines or casinos.

This issue of gambling is soon to become a very serious one in not only the AFL, but rugby, soccer and even cricket. So something needs to be done to change this very soon. If it can be done overnight, then get it over and done with.


“BBC NEWS | UK | Gambling ads ban to be scrapped.” _BBC News – Home_. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2012. .

“Call to ban promotion of odds on live sport.” _The Age – Business, World & Breaking News | Melbourne, Australia_. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2012.

“Waging war on bet advertisements – new minister worried |” | Breaking news, videos and pictures from Sydney, NSW, Australia and the world | DailyTelegraph_. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2012.

Advertisement Of Gambling Should Be Banned

Neate, Rupert. “Google to overturn UK ban on gambling advertising – Telegraph.” – Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph – Telegraph_. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2012. .

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The Turnbull government is reportedly considering banning the advertising of gambling during televised sporting broadcasts. This is not a new idea: Senator Nick Xenophon has long championed a ban, as have many who work with problem gamblers.

Advertisement Of Gambling Should Be Banned In The World

It has been reported that more than one-in-six ads shown during AFL matches are gambling-related. So, could advertising be linked with rates of problem gambling?

Evidence suggests ads have an impact

Increases in problem gambling linked to sports betting have been reported in recent years, particularly among young men. The numbers of 18-to-25-year-old men with problems related to sports betting doubled between 2012 and 2015 at the University of Sydney’s Gambling Treatment Clinic (where I work).

Gambling Advertisements Should Be Banned Debate

At the same time, gambling odds and prices have become a central part of sporting culture. The “gamblification” of sport is now seen as both a normal and central component of it. In pre-game reporting, the prices and odds are seen as being as important as player injuries and weather conditions.

Being able to draw a clear line between increased promotion of gambling and rates of problem gambling is not easy. Given there are always multiple factors why someone develops a gambling problem, it is never as clear-cut as blaming advertising. However, some evidence exists to suggest advertising has impacts on problem gamblers.

Interview research and large-scale survey work have both suggested that gambling ads during sport strongly affect many problem gamblers by increasing their desire to gamble when trying to cut down. Therefore, restrictions on advertising may be effective in helping those with problems to manage their urges to gamble.

Another widespread concern about gambling advertising during sports broadcasts is the impact it might be having on young people. There is evidence this advertising can have an impact.

A study of Canadian adolescents found the majority had been exposed to gambling advertising. It also found this advertising was leading to the belief that the chance of winning was high, and that gambling was an easy way to make money.

These findings are particularly concerning. In our work with problem gamblers, we have found these beliefs are crucial to the development of gambling problems.

Typically, when examining a problem gambler’s history, we find they were exposed to gambling at a young age and developed positive attitudes toward gambling at the time. In particular, a distorted belief in the likelihood of winning appears to be a key driver in many of our patients who developed problems.

Thus, advertising that promotes the idea that gambling is an easy way to make money is likely to prime our kids for developing gambling problems in the future.

What we can learn from tobacco ad bans

Advertisement Of Gambling Should Be Banned 2017

Would a ban on the advertising of gambling during sport broadcasts change attitudes toward gambling and gambling behaviour? Here, evidence on the impacts of tobacco advertising is instructive.

Tobacco advertising has been progressively restricted or banned in many countries. Thus, considerable evidence is available to make conclusions. There appears to be clear evidence that tobacco advertising does result in increased rates of smoking in adolescents.

It has also been found that bans on tobacco advertising appear to be effective in reducing tobacco use – but only in the case of complete bans. In contrast, attempts to limit bans on advertising to certain mediums – such as banning ads on TV – appear not to be effective, as this simply results in increases in tobacco advertising in non-banned media (in print or on billboards, for instance).

Advertisement Of Gambling Should Be Banned Video

This suggests that for any restriction of gambling advertising to be effective, it needs to be widespread. Such displacement has already been seen with gambling. There is evidence of increased social media promotion of gambling, which has resulted in increases in positive attitudes toward gambling in those exposed to these promotions.

Should Political Ads Be Banned

There is not yet any demonstrated definitive link between increases in gambling advertising during sports and problem gambling. However, the research that has been conducted indicates that advertising may result in increased gambling by problem gamblers and increases in distorted beliefs about gambling in young people.

Advertisement Of Gambling Should Be Banned Youtube

If the government chooses to go down the path of increasing restrictions on gambling advertising, it is important that any restrictions are wide-ranging enough to have a clear impact on gambling behaviours and attitudes.